We are the breeders and owners of the Number One Boston Terrier in America for 2010 and 2011. Our kennel name "Gumbo" comes from the last three letters of our last name and the first two of our breed. We have been raising Boston Terriers for 15 years. We have been showing them for 13 years. We have JC DNA, Eye Cerf, BAER and Patella testing done. We are fortunate to have some wonderful sound show and breeding stock. Stud service is available to any AKC Bitch who is of the standard along with Eye Cerf, BAER, patella and Brucellosis tested. There are links here to better inform you of these test. If you need more personal guidance, please email me. At times we have babies available to approved homes.
We are and have served on the board of our Breed Club and All Breed club
We hope you enjoy viewing "Gumbo".
Thank you,
Jami and Robert Mangum

Home of the First Platinum Grand Champion
This page was last updated: May 14, 2012
This website built and maintained by:
Jami Mangum
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Boston Terrier Club of Louisiana Inc.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
Jesus Christ and The American G. I.
One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.